Takes care of your legal issues while you create innovative product!
Legal structuring of IT and FinTech business
- Registration of IT and FinTech companies abroad linked to your local business
- Advice on how to fund your business in compliance with financial accounting rules
- Tax advice
- Trade mark registration local and international via WIPO
- Obtaining of GIIT, LEI numbers
- Bookkeeping and auditor services worldwide
- Assistance with licensing of your business (Crypto-exchange, Forex, Gamblish, Money exchange etc)
Bank accounts and compliance
- Corporate account opening with banks and payment services providers (EMI, SEMI)
- Solutions to collect payments from e-commerce website (card processing, e-wallets, crypto-payments)
- Opening of segregates and safeguarding accounts, merchant accounts, introduction to liquidity trading services
- Support of communications with banks, preparation of responses to bank requests, document preparation for banks
WE ensure banking and legal compliance
Agreements and polices
- Drafting and proof-reading of agreements with counter-parties, confidentiality agreements, analysis of legal risks.
- Agreements to protect, transfer, sell intellectual property rights
- Preparation of agreements with employees and outsourced specialists, partners & sub-contractors, founders partnership agreements, investment agreements
- Drafting customer contracts for IT software, mobile applications, web-sites development, provision of SAAS
- Preparation of public offer, confidentiality policies based on GDPR, etc.
- Preparation of AML/CFT polices.
SOWA Consulting offers several ways of cooperation
Professional advice on current issue, drafting of agreement, Trade Mark registration, etc.
Legal advice all way long of your business operations, annual maintenance, assistance with business enhancement, due diligence of business partners and clients, regular check to keep your business fully compliant etc.
Company formation process starting from company structuring, registration, bank account opening, obtaining of licenses, etc.